Tuesday 1 March 2016

2016 The Year of Films [March]

This post will be my record of all the films I watch this month.
Now into March I am still trying to watch more films at home or the cinema. I will list them and write a line or two of my thoughts about it. I will also link to any reviews or deeper thoughts I have about the film.
Here is the link to the main index to go to each month.

01. Hitman [2007] (04.03.16)
It was ok. You can tell it was to be Bourne Identity so very bad, but it fails in many places where Bourne is fantastic. Agent 47 is just not a great character to hang a film around. The plot though basic was told ok and the were no major issues with acting or direction. Its a fast paced film but slows a bit about half was through but not in a bad way.

02. A Country Doctor (05.03.16)
A short Japanese animated film based on a short story by Franz Kafka. Dark, surreal and unashamedly weird. The art is creepy and the perspective is off, it bends and distorts to add to the feeling wrongness. Not sure what to make of it overall but I liked it.

03. Space Cop (06.03.16)
Schlock pure schlock! Is it still a parody when it becomes the things it's parodying? Red Letter Media have a thing for bad films and this is a great bad film. Strange and charming with some strait up good stuff. Loved it.

04. Wolf Children (11.03.16)
Wonderful! A lovely story and so well made and told through animation, music and style. It's like a Ghibli film where it wonders around a plot but in the end it's just a fantastic film. Now to watch more by Mamoru Hosoda.

05. The Cat Returns [Ghibli] (13.03.16)
A sort of sequel to Whisper of the Heart, it feels like it could have been a story written by the girl from that film. A very funny film with brilliant performances and awesome artwork. It goes out of it way to be different and it crazy and very fun. 

06. Howl's Moving Castle [Ghibli] (21.03.16)
A fantastic film that meanders around (as Ghibli films do) and it is such a great spectacle. I loved how the magic looked and the animation quality is top notch. Hayao Miyazaki is a master at this kind of show.

07. Man of Steel (24.03.16)
Not a bad film but not a good superman film. It feels like it should have been two films. It is disjointed and I don't like how they characterised Superman. Some good action but nothing great but the plot was front loaded. I may do a full review soon.

08. Cloverfield (25.03.16)
This is the first 'found footage' film I have seen. I wont be going out of my way to see any more. It is a good film but why not make it like one, it dragged me out at times when they had to get around the constraints. I can't just be because of the ending they went with. Like I said its a good film just a bit annoying at times.

09. Sicario (27.03.16)
It is a good film. I have issues with it, mostly i am struggling to set the problem in my mind. It looks cool but some of the night views are a bit off. If it set out a bit differently it would have been awesome, the ending was great.

10. Plague Dogs (28.03.16)
Unlike Watership Down this is a survival story not a journey. Two dogs with little hope and the mess they leave in their wake. Very sad at times and it doesn't push its messages down your throat. Well animated in a style I with would make a come back.

Another month gone. Only the ten this month and they were a mixed bag. 5 of them are animated two of witch are Ghibli. Best of the month? Wolf Children I still think about it a bit. Worst? Man of Steel was the most disappointing by far.

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