Saturday 1 April 2017

2017 Film log [April]

The fourth month. INDEX

01. Dead Leaves (01.04.17)
Insanity. Pure and distilled into a cocktail of crazy. Very cool aesthetic and editing a bit over the top at times (but then it is a film about being OTT) There was more story than I expected and it fitted in well. It's about what I expected from the directer of FLCL and TTGL.

02. MST3K - Space Travelers (02.04.17)
 A film that makes a very cool thing damn boring. It takes a good bit of skill to make a slow and inept film. But at least the commentary had some fun moments. Picking these out at random is a good idea but I think I will ration to no more than one a week.

03. Alien (03.04.17)
"This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo signing off." Any better last line of a film than that. Heck is the any part of this film that isn't one of the best parts of any film? One of the great films.

04. MST3K - The Final Sacrifice (05.04.17)
Ok I lied, but to be fair this one was recommanded to me today. The film this time was not too bad, it tried too hard in the first act but it was a ok B movie. The commentary was awesome, all the down time gave the guys a change to go wild, and they landed every joke.

05. Soylent Green (07.04.17)
Wow. Its a great film, from the world and its logic to the acting its all great. Then starting with one of the best scenes I have seen it goes into over drive and delivers huge punches one after the other. The whole thing works so well. but the euthanasia part is some of the best film ever.

06. Aliens (08.04.17)
Maintaining its roots but expanding in ways that make the world and plot feel right. My only complaint is one that can be leveled at many films and comes from my understanding of military ways but I found the marines to be annoying in many ways. It doesn't bring the films quality down as it work in its way but one thing I find hard to ignore. A bloody great film, shame about the rest.

07. Doodle Bug [Short] (09.04.17)
An early work by Christopher Nolan. Shot using old stock but with some very modern camera work. The performance is good and the double twist ending is nice. A cool little little short that crams a tone of shots in.

08. Watership Down (09.04.17)
A film from my childhood, not one I was ever scared of. I found the into fascinating and Fiver to be compelling. It is a great film a bit strangely paced in the middle but it is one of the best films of its type. I should give the book a go some time.

09. Children Who Chase Lost Voices (10.04.17)
Also know by; Children who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below or Journey to Agartha. Directed by Makoto Shinkai and so I don't need to say it looked stunning. The were three very distinct parts (not acts) and together they make for a strange whole. It has some interesting moments and a solid enough story but could have done with a little fleshing out. But the feel of the film is its biggest selling point. I could get lost in its worlds. Only one Shinkai film left.Your Name, I can't wait.

10. The External World [Shortish] (14.04.17)
Directed by David O'Reilly who I found through is games and not a game game Mountain. This is fantastic, irreverent, thoughtful and funny. The style is all over and the whiplash you get from one part to the next is great. The is so much crammed in and it looks and sounds great.

11. Please Say Something [Short] (15.04.17)
Another by David O'Reilly. Life is a bit of a mess and if you try and think through all of the outcomes you will break down. If there are any issues say something. Such a powerful film.

12. Spelunky - Noclip Documentary (16.04.17)
I have thought hard about where to classify these as films. They are made for youtube but are of high quality and reach good lengths. Since they don't get squirted out I give my thoughts on them. Not a game I have pal ye much but one I have heard tonnes about and find the ins and outs fascinating. A very relaxed doc and some very interesting story's.

13. Alien³ (17.04.17)
As good as the first two! Well I watched the Assembly cut and this version is very good. Only two complaints, the cgi is bad. Very bad. The film is too long it could have worked without the alien getting out again and the last chases is horrible. The are some outstanding moments and shots, the cinematography and direction is top notch. Not a bad film at all which is a surprise after the botching of the first version.

14. The Great Dictator (19.04.17)
Charlie Chaplin had a wonderful voice. The big draw to this film is the final speech the contents and how they are delivered with meaning and passion. 1940 what a time to be alive a time that needed this film as do we now. Such a great film powerful in meaning and it is look at the world. Oh and it's damn funny.

15. MST3K - Manos the Had of Fate (21.04.17)
Wow such utter tripe. A film so inept it I'm surprised it got a release. The trio are on top form and they needed to be with the film being boring on top of just plain bad. I think I will have to try one of the new episodes next.

16. Alien Resurrection (22.04.17)
This could have been good, which is not to say it is bad but it cant stack up against the other films. The only character that seem a little human is the android all of the other are far too one dimensional to the point they are distracting. All flavours of personality are on show and they all clash. The are some interesting ideas at work by what they choose to show us was strange and not nearly enough. I could have put up with this being a dumb action film but instead it's a film that had no identity.

17. The Shining (23.04.17)
Just what do I make of this? It is well put together and Kubrick works the camera masterfully. The acting set design and building mess makes it a great film. The are parts of the story that don't click for me, they work plot wise but as a story I didn't connect at all. Strange I can see is is fantastic and I enjoyed watching it. It is like finding a fault in a Persian rug.

18. Control Bear [Short] (30.04.17)
Here is  a strange one. It is very well made but by one of the Ghibli veterans the is no surprise. The short show so much wonder is a small space and the film floats through its story carefully and with charm. Here is the kicker it is a ad for a teddy bear shop in Japan. Strange...

A good and strong month. Best would have to be Alien with The great Dictator a very close second. The was not a dud this month even Alien Res was ok. I have some good stuff lined up over the next few weeks as well and not long until Your Name comes out. Onto May.