Sunday 31 January 2016

2016: The Year of Films [INDEX]

I am keeping track of all the films I watch this year on this blog. I am giving each a small review with some random thoughts and as I am watching a fair few I will dedicate one post per month.
This post will have a link to each month as well as any dedicated posts where I go in depth on a film.

01. January
      So, Just How Good is Paprika?

02. February

03. March

04. April 
       So, Just How Good is Batman v Superman?

05. May

06. June
       The Great Studio Ghibli

07. July

08. August

09. September

10. October

11. November

12. December
More to come soon... 

Monday 18 January 2016

So, Just How Good is Paprika?

I have only seen this film twice and I noticed so much more the second time. The first time I went in with no expectations from the film and I let it wash over me. That was about 6 years ago and it has stuck with me. Now as my love for films grows with my understanding of them I watched it with great hope it would be as good as I remembered.

When I go to watch it again I may see more but I wont care if I don't, sometimes it's fun just to let a masterpiece wash over you.

This is a hard film to talk about. I will try to beak it down into parts including; animation, plot, characters, themes, music, stand out moments and how it all ties into the narrative. I don't want to go too deep as this is just a blog and I have very little experience in doing reviews, or long form writing. But I will go over what I feel is important.

My first point is how I will describe 'narrative'. I think of it like a washing line where plot and characters are hung onto it (With the other aspects as well). This is different from story/plot which is the thing that is being told. A example would be Casino Royal where the story continues on after a good narrative stopping place, so we get the disjointed feel of the Venice part at the end. The was more story to tell but little narrative to hang it on.

Simple at heart, a story of careless use of technology, the theft of said tech and the plan of the villain to use it for his own end. A simple structure with which to frame the larger issues. The plot could of been drastically different and still worked, but the theft story line worked as a nice setup into the motives of the antagonists. Not much to say on it but it get set up fast and makes sense.

Both animation and camera work. While the visual artwork isn't showy it works well within the world. A nice contrast is made between dreams and the waking worlds but it is also used to hide which is which to very good effect. The quality of the drawings is the kind I have come to expect from Mad House. Top notch and very fluid.

The cinematic approach to the camera work is used to great effect and is even a plot point and shown to the audience. The difference a angle can make to change the feel and meaning of scene. The theme of film making runs through the detectives thread and is central to his problem.

It seems at first that the main arc is that of the detective but as we see more of both Doctor Atsuko Chiba and her other side Paprika we see the conflict of a woman who while helps others with their mental problems she struggles with her own identity. Though being one person both characters feel different and the growth of Doctor Atsuko Chiba contrasts with the static but fun Paprika.

The detective is interesting and fits into the film in a fun way mainly being there to show us the world but he has a good arc and is used well.

The only character that kind of falls flat is the 'bad guy' the is a bit one dimensional and obvious his second though was a surprise and had a well set up motive.

Though it is strange at times it is very fitting for the style of film. Using a computer program to sing is inspired and works well on a meta level. The OST is great and I have listened to it twice in the last day and a bit.

Narrative & Themes
Wow the is a lot going on here. Man Vs Tech. Love. Life and death. Inner self. Mental states and effects of dreams. Plus much more.

What I want to focus on is being someone different on the inside. Both developers have a inner person one hidden (Paprika) and one very viable (a child like mentality). The duel nature seen between both characters is no mistake and as the film goes on we seen both come to terms with themselves and each other. Both look at what counts, one on the inside the other on the outside.

The is so much just on the topic of self and who is seen by who. Hiding but not fearing you inner self and being comfortable with what you show to the world, the are so many levels to this.

Awesome Moments:
The fall. When paprika falls into the dream floats down through the clouds and exits dressed as the monkey king. The cut and music cue make it great.

The slicing of paprikas skin. The hand invading her crotch and undoing her shield leaving her bare.

The fourth wall braking camera talk. A very cool side step into film making.

The parades. There just so damn good.

My Answer!
Yes, Paprika is great. It fits somewhere in my top ten films of all time. (the list consists of about 30 films) The style and substance with is heart make for a very good watch and a film to think about for days.

Note: This blog has taken hours to write. I hope I get better, the main issues was putting my thoughts and feelings into words. The are bound to be mistakes but at about 1000 words I am happy.

Thursday 14 January 2016

A Good Read

First films now books. This year seems to be the year of consuming media.

I have started tracking the films I watch so it seemed to me like a good idea to do the same with books as well. Rather than do the same as what I am doing with the films I have decided to use a website I have heard good things about.

So now I have a Goodreads account. LINK

There I can keep track of what I read give thoughts or full reviews. I will also go through my history and add some books that I have read before.

The is a challenge set up to read a certain amount of books this year and you are free to choose your own number. I went with 40. Not much reason behind the number it but should be a ok goal.

I may also put some of the reviews on here if I think I have a lot to say.

Sunday 10 January 2016

2016 The Year of Films [January]

This post will be my record of all the films I watch this month. Continuing the trend from the back end of last year I am trying to watch more films.At home or the cinema I will list them a white a line or two about it about it. And link to anything I blog about it. Also here is the link to the main index to go to each month.

To start I will add what I have seen since the start of the year in order.


01. Pom Poko by Studio Ghibli (01.01.16)
pressing on with my foray into the Ghibli masterpieces. Funny and cute probably should have seen the Sub version though; the were some odd translation choices.

02. Star Wars VII The Force Awakens [Cinema Worksop] (03.01.16)
Went with my Brother and Dad to go re-watch. It felt faster second time through. Still great.

03. Star Wars VI Return of the Jedi [Red Letter Media Commentary] (04.01.16)
Not too much of a incite from the guys, but it was a fun watch.

04. Blade Runner [Final Cut] (08.01.16)
Roy Batty's Incept date. First time I've seen it in years, found a new love for it,

05. Whispers of the Heart by Studio Ghibli (09.01.16)
Loved this slice of life in beautiful Japan. Such a well made calming film.

06. Princess Mononoke by Studio Ghibli (10.01.16)
Loved it, not what I was expecting but its a great film. Again should have watched the Sub I found the American accents distracting.

07.  A.I. Artificial Intelligence (11.01.16)
What a beautiful and haunting film. The last part caught me off guard. Must watch more Spielberg and Kubrick.
08. Thor: The Dark World (15.01.16) 
 First time seeing this one since the cinema. Better than I remembered but then I think the general online thought bubble puts this one down a bit. The humour is strange and tries a bit hard a times but it is a fun film.

09. Paprika by Satoshi Kon (16.01.16)
Not sure where it fits but its in my top ten films of all time. Here is my Blog on this film.

10. Dredd (22.01.16)
Great action film, it shows us the action and the results well plenty of impact. Can we have a second one?

11. Constantine (23.01.16)
A good film but poor adaptation of the comic. Forget that it is a adaptation and the is a lot to like. Really enjoyed watching it. First time since the TV show aired (which was awesome), they are very different beasts but both good.

12. Snowpiercer (24.01.16)
What a crazy film. So much world building in a small place.  It breaks so many rules and conventions especially at the end.

13. A Wind Named Amnesia (25.01.16)
Made in the early 80s but dubbed in the 90s. It's almost fantastic, let down by the voice acting and vocal story telling. Less is more! Show don't tell! It breaks both rules to its detriment. The collection of storys are strong but let down by the why they are shown. Full blog to come.

14. Kill Bill Vol. 1 (30.01.16)
Mental film. Very over the top and kind of random. Love the artwork and the music. The plot seems good for now, its just framed by a mad man.

15. Kill Bill Vol.2 (31.01.16)
Such a great film. As crazy as the first part but with some better characters moments. It tied up nicely and didn't feel as long as it is.

15 films this month. 5 anime, 4 comic adaptations. I liked them all hard to pick out the best but AI is up there with Paprika. Lets see what I watch in February.