01. Hardcore Henry (01.09.18)
Like Crank this is a film with a cool concept where the execution is turned up to crazy. Some parts that were shot with a older GoPro had noticeable fisheye that looked bad but otherwise very well shot. Dumb fun with a hint of cool story but faultless effort.
02. Neutral [short] (03.09.18)
Bizarrely compelling. Not sure about the opening shot or the aspect ratio but they are stylistic decisions. The plot is simple with a bit of strange thrown in for good measure. Not even sure if I liked it.
03. Isle of Dogs (05.09.18)
Funny, heart-warming, charming and impactful. Wes Anderson is a master at off beat comedies. This is one of the best films I have seen in ages, the is so much detail and creativity put into it.
04. Deadpool 2 (07.09.18)
Sags a bit in places but it works well. Some of the best parts had nothing to do with Deadpool, Domino is great and the music choices are great. A fun film with its heart in the right place.
05. James Bond From Russia With Love (09.09.18)
Always strange to have continuity in Bond though it happens more often than I think. I love the plot it doesn't come together until the end but it is very tightly plotted. This is the model bond will follow and expand upon, perhaps the new films should take notes. Also Matt Munro is fantastic.
06. Annihilation (15.09.18)
I paid particular notice to both the music and the tattoo this time around. Such a fantastic film and the kind of sifi that should me made more often.
07. Laputa Castle in the Sky (22.09.18)
Such a wonder filled film. Tooth ache and a bad beer didn't ruin this great fantastical romp. The soundtrack and direction are both top tier. The animation quality and detail is absurdly good. Only my second time watching this and I noticed things that tie it to Nausicaä.
08. Avengers - Infinity War (28.09.18)
Yes again! I could; so I did.
09. James Bond Goldfinger (29.09.18)
A strange beast this, the Bond film that dose most for defining the series but it is also odd. Bond has very little effect on the plot directly, is responsible for getting two women killed and spends most of his time aggravating the villain. The are some strange holes in the actions of Goldfinder as well, why kill the mob bosses and why the act with the one who gets crushed? It is a good film but very lacking in places.
Best? Hard choice this one, I think I'll say Isle of Dogs.
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