Monday 29 August 2016

27 Years

It's been a nice and relaxing day to round off a crazy month. From being Ill with my Asthma playing up to going away with Cadets for a week and the faff that was getting back early to attend my sisters wedding. I may be a bit drained in strength and mentally. It's been a fun on for the most part.

Catherine's wedding day went well, nice and relaxed with some very nice moments. I have over 700 pictures of it to sort through as well as a half hour of film but that wont be to bad. although I don't know Greg all that well he was great and I wish both of them the best.

My parents birthdays came and went as well and they both seem happy and they were very proud at the wedding.

My breathing on the other hand has been far from great, just in the last few months I have gone trough three inhalers. My core strength is still great but I have felt very bad a times especially at night. I'm almost out of my current one, must get a new one this week.

Some random stuff.

I have come across a fantastic new Manga. It is in WSJ and the have been only 4 issues so far but it is great and had a tonne of potential. Its 'The Promised Neverland' A story of a small house of orphans who live happy with their 'Mum'. The are some very things stiff hidden on the surface and it soon takes a dark turn. The best thing is how the two main children talk and reason things trough. It is very well written and even got me with a jump scare.

Films have been slow this month but I knew they would be. I have stared going through Kubrick's library of films starting with ones I haven't seen before. The others this month for the most part have been bloody good. I should get a fair few in over the next week or so.

But I have a lot to work on. Over 1600 pictures from camp as well as the 700 or so from the wedding will mean I have a lot of photoshop work ahead. Then the is all the special bits to do such as the two mess photos and so on.

On the musical side of things I have been listening to a lot of Epica and now have all of the studio albums. I'm still not a fan of the male vocals but the other parts are just too good. I love how they can make me feel, the energy behind them is palpable.

Well this is close to the end of my birthday, its not been much of a special one but a relaxing one. Here's to another year on this small rock.

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