Friday, 4 May 2018

2018's Film List [May]

Into May. INDEX

01. Panda! Go, Panda! The Circus in the Rain (04.05.18)
As fun and light as the first. The panda looks a bit like a proto Totoro. 

02. Ohayo [Short] (05.05.18)
A live action take on Satoshi Kon's fantastic animated short. They did well with the confines of the medium and it got the point across, it just lacks something... Maybe if they had taken it a bit further?

03. Retro Ahoy: The Secret of Monkey Island (20.05.18)
A great documentary about a great game. The history of point and click games is fascinating and what Monkey Island brought tot the table ushered in the golden age of the genera. This has reminded me I need to get the soundtracks to all of the Monkey Island games. A very well put together doc.

04. The Enduring Magic of the Radiophonic Workshop (21.05.18)
A short documentary on the great Radiophonic Workshop. The scale and scope has changed so much since the late 50s but the sound is still inspiring.

05. Deadpool 2 [Cinema] (22.05.18)
I don't know how I feel about this one. I enjoyed it a lot but it felt like is was missing something. According to rumours the is going to be a extended version so I guess that is about right. Domino stole the show for all screen time.

06. Avengers - Age of Ultron (25.05.18)
Very solid, with some great moments. It feels a bit rushed at first but from the farm onwards it is great. This is the film that thrusts the overarching plot forward and it is cool now to look back and see what was shown to us back then.

07. TANK [short] (26.05.18)
Very cool little film inspired by vector arcade games. I love the orange and teal colours and the simple but well shot story. Reminds me of when I used to play tank hunter back in the 90s.

08. Fantastic Planet (27.05.18)
What were they on in France back in 1973? One of the craziest films I have seen and that takes some doing. I liked it even if it felt rushed in places. I love the art style and the music but it is let down by its story telling.

09. Hellboy 2 - The Golden Army (28.05.18)
A nice bit of fun. Very well made and directed even if the plot is iffy in parts.It is a shame they never did the third film, this one set up so much towards it.

10. Solo - A Star Wars Story [Cinema] (29.05.18)
A one in a million shot. and they pulled it off. It sags in places but the film is fun and the ending is great.

11. Akira (30.05.18)
Wow this looks and sounds fantastic in 1080p. My first time watching with subs as well, much better than the god awful 1988 dub. Kaneda is very childish; it never struck me before just how immature he is. Still of the the greats.

A bit better than I had feared. Still down on what I would usually get through. Best is Akira, coming in late to steal the show.

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