Spring Bouquet
I have been running
again! I’m not sure how I've been able to stick to it this time;
perhaps it’s that I'm changing my route more, or that I decided not
to track any kind of stats. All I have done in that regard is measure
the length of the routes. But is been fun and actually kind of easy.
I have had a few
issues with pain in my legs but stretching it off has seemed to work
for now. No issues with my fitness but I have been starting slow. I
think I need to work on my technique a bit, my strides should be
longer. (that could pull on my calf's come to think about it.) Here’s
hoping that next time I post I will still be going strong.
The internet has
gotten a minor but much needed speed boost. Just enough now that
several of us in the house can be online with no major issues. The
new router helped a bit but more so for transferring files between
machines. Its a nice bonus that helps productivity and has taken away
a bit of stress.
Speaking of work I
have the last few month open up other paths to look down. Its no good
getting tunnel vision the should be plenty out there to find. Its
been a crazy few months in almost every way but I’m through it.
Bee on Blossom
I have been meaning
to have done a couple of ‘One Song’ posts but I keep on getting
distracted. I have been listing to a lot of soundtracks (to the moon,
Lain, Your Name and Ghost in the Shell to name a few). I may have to
do a post about OSTs sometime. I should knuckle down and finish one
I have also been
introduced to a cool Swedish metal band called Sabaton. I was
listening to a Podcast about siege warfare and they played this song
by Sabaton. It’s about how the Polish Winged Hussars broke a siege
of Vienna. Most of their songs are about military history and the
vocals are great. (they have also been the sound track for writing up
this post.)
Last week I woke up
to the news that someone had died during the night. John Bain was a
personality I have been following on youtube for years. He was one of
a new breed of celeb, very professional but due to the personal
nature of youtube the was a strong connection between creator and
audience. He was strong willed and very forthright and a bit of a
legend in his circles. He died of cancer at the age of 33.
Cancer seems to have
been a shadow haunting me lately. A few of my friends and collogues
have been diagnosed over the last year. It is very sad but they have
the strength and will to fight it. They say is has a very high chance
of impacting everybody's life in one way or another.
My Number is Up
My posts on here
tend to come in spurts so who knows I may well get some of the posts
I have been sitting on out some time this year.