Wednesday, 14 February 2018

It’s not been a fun week

I hate doing self portraits. And don't get me started on #selfie’s (I had to look up the spelling)

But here is some I have taken and oddly my plight of the last few days doesn't show up too well but you can see the source of my pain.

 Me circa July 2007

Here is a small time line of my latest issue. Saturday evening sometime after the England game I felt pain in my upper jaw on the left side of my mouth. Fun! tooth ache for the first time in a year or two. It wasn't too bad just a bit annoying. Then Sunday morning arrived and it was full blown strong throbbing pain covering my entire left side of my mouth.

I must have been bad, all pain seems worse at the time but it was enough for me to take painkillers for the first time in over a year. so rolls around Monday. Now able to contact my dentist i come to the realization that its nothing to do with my tooth but a swelling in my cheek by by gum. I now have a swelled up cheek and no pain in any tooth.

A nice side effect of the swelling was struggling to open my mouth wide enough to eat. Then numbness only came in waves with some nice bouts of pain to keep things interesting. To add to the fun I was now going to by busy every evening this week.

I have almost ran out of ways to explained to people why my cheek is swollen and I am almost temped to start making stuff up. (The photos below show the state of my face as now, it was more pronounced yesterday and Monday)

Left - awful. Right - Slightly less awful due to a valiant effort by photoshop

I have taken my share of self portraits but usually put a spin on it, my main photo is always the same style. But in doing today's selfie’s (taken at 8pm in my bathroom, such is my life) I have included two and they show why I hate them. The quality is crap it is a reason most people cover them up with stupid filters. I even tried to rescue one with photoshop.

That's better 2017

I hope my mouth gets back to normal before Saturday. I'm due to meet with some important people in the town hall.

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