Saturday, 31 December 2016

Death Throes of Two-Thousand and Sixteen.

This is going to be a long one.

 Across the Gradient

It has been an interesting year, one that if the collective circle jerk is to be believed was a dumpster fire that grew intelligence and destroyed the world. Yes the has been a lot of terrible things but in my mind the is always terrible things but why let that distract from the good stuff?

This blog is going to be my big wrap up for the year, including my film watching project and some choice facets of my life from this year.

The Pack

This year has gone down as a year of loss and yes the have been many notable deaths some of which have hit me hard, but non more so than the loss of a member of the family. Back in May we lost our lovely dog and her presence is still missed. But I believe that memories are for forever and I have forever with her.

I will cover this more in my post one the future but my fitness and health this year has been a bit all over the place. While I've not been too ill I have had issues that set me back during the summer. I think my fitness is a factor and while I have done a lot more exercise this year my intake has been very poor. Again it will be coved soon but I am changing my physical outlook.


I have done a fair few enjoyable things this year and looking back over my photos its been a good one. As well and fun stuff its been a year of changes, my sister got married, I moved roles and detachments in cadets (that's all the cadet talk for the year). I have had the chance to try new things and to go to some odd places, not all fun as such but the experience was worth it.

As you can tell just by a brief overview of this blog I have focused a lot on media consumption. What I take in has changed a tonne this year, TV has almost been eliminated and books, podcast and films have filled the void. I have kept up with less and less web-comics but my manga reading may have gone up slightly. My youtube viewing choices have altered, I have unsubbed from a lot of channels and found some very interesting ones, I now have a divers mix of lets plays, science, reviews and informative videos.

Roadside View

This have been my year of films, I have gone out of my way to watch more and to do a small write-up on each. Wow just added them all together and it came to a round 160! Bare in mind about 40ish will be short films (need to do that blog) but that is a lot of films. I think I have for the most part chosen wisely but diversely.

This is something I will keep up and so will the posts about each film. I like the record I can look back on and see what I thought about a certain film. Now the big question is what was the best film I saw this year? God knows, I don't think I could choose. But up there would be Paprika and When Marnie Was There with The Prestige ans so many more. I have watch a tone of anime and that's a blog all in its self (though it would be a long way off).

My biggest takeaway from so many films is; I want to watch more! I want to see other worlds and experience story’s from the minds of creative people. I want to see the work of masters in their fields and new comers proving themselves. I want to enjoy this diverse field of art.


I have taken almost half as many photos as last year. That's bad, I will change that next year. Why did I take so little? Not sure. Some kind of artists block, that is kind of why what I did take took so long to get on Flickr. Starting to post them here as well seems to have broken that dam. I feel like I am almost back in the grove but I need a bit more spark. Speaking of photos the ones in this post are from the walk I mention last blog.

I have also made a dive into more video and came up with one or two I am proud of. I need more experience but its something that wile was long and difficult I enjoyed doing. I will try to take video in mind when I move forward next year. I may need a new computer to help with that though, I have pushed my main computer hard this year and the are creaks starting to show. It should hold up for a while longer but next year I will have to take a good look at a new one.

At Home

39 blog posts this year, not bad going even though the was a few slight lulls. The have been about ten or so that haven't made it to the blog, some in an almost finished state and others little more than a collection of notes. I would like to go back through what I have laying about and see if I can do anything with them. I will try to do better next year to let less fall through the cracks.

I would have liked to have dome more personal update type posts throughout the year, most of my posts have been about films and less about my life. I will set myself a target next year but at least I got a bit better towards the end of the year.

Downhill Trail

The year is dying but what is a construct of time? Heck this thing we call a year is very localised and small compared to all of everything. I have never held much stock in the concept years especially new ones. The is no point in my mind but I suppose it makes the endless need to organise a lot easier.

So that’s my end of the year, the was some much I cut from this post (still over 1000 words). I want so say a lot so that's good I guess, but I have to keep it short or it wont come out tonight. Its been a fun and different year and on the whole its not that bad right? Anyway -

Have a Happy New Year and Here’s to Making the Future Bright.

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